July 2017 - What's this in my left breast?

Discovering a lump

I was laid in bed one Saturday morning in July 2017 when I felt a lump to the right of my nipple in my left breast. I wasn't overly concerned when I felt it, as this wasn't unusual for me as I knew that I suffered with breast cysts having had one drained 8 months previously in the right breast. The radiographer doing the ultrasound at that time told me that I had many cysts within my breast tissue and that it was pretty normal for women of my age...that is women nearing 40!
My husband Gary also confirmed that he could feel a lump and suggested to me that I get it checked out by the GP. I agreed but said I would wait a month to see if it decreased in size over my monthly menstrual cycle.  My GP had previously advised that breast cysts can increase and decrease in size over the course of a woman's menstrual cycle.

So that was it, I decided to leave it until the following month to see if it was still there.  Strangely though, even on that initial discovery I wasn't convinced that it was a cyst but tried my best to convince myself otherwise.


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